Training School was held between July 1st and 5th, 2024, at Campus Dejvice, Prague, Czech Republic, under the auspices of FME CTU Prague (Dpt. of Process and Energy Engineering) and UCT Prague (Dpt. of Sustainability and Product Ecology).
More than 25 participants focused on expanding their knowledge in the field of modeling and TEA of CCUS technologies under the guidance of mentors Prof. Anna Skorek-Osikowska (Silesian University of Technology), Shareq Mohd Nazir (KTH Stockholm), Lukáš Krátký (CTU Prague), Monika Vitvarova (UCT Prague), Tunç Durmaz (Yildiz Technical University), and Ahmet Turan (Yeditepe University).
Throughout the trainingschool, the participants were presented with an overview of selected parts of the CCUS chain and general approaches to creating process models. In addition, a lecture on the basic principles in the field of economic evaluation of CCUS technologies was given to the participants. They had the chance to implement their practical training on an assigned case of a selected CCU process
and present their first conclusions obtained when solving assigned case studies from the area of the CCU chain implemented on biogenic resources. For a real-life case study, the participants of the Transmit training school visited Vřesová Combined Heat and Power Plant Units, owned by Sokolovská uhelná p.n., a.s.á , a member of the SUAS Group. They had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the real source and obtain information from the operational staff of the plant. We thank the employees of the SUAS GROUP for the wonderful reception, time, and sharing of their experience and knowledge from the operation of the units, including the techno-economic parameters. Further, a detailed course and an example of the practice of a TEA of the CCUS process expanded the knowledge of the participants. With all the information given, participants worked on their progress in process modeling and economic assessment, solving assigned case studies from the area of a CCU chain. They presented the key conclusions of their group work in the form of a joint presentation with a discussion with mentors. Besides, the participants visited the laboratories of the Department of Process Engineering, FME CTU in Prague, with a focus on biomass processing and carbon capture technologies.
In the end, the organizers presented the possibilities of participating in other activities of the Transmit COST project and received feedback from the participants for other similar activities.
We are very grateful to all participants for their active approaches, and we look forward to collaborating with them at other events.

On Monday November 14th our university welcomed students of international study program ATHENS. The Faculty of Environmental Technology and the Faculty of Chemical Engineering regularly offer courses Environmental Technology http://tvp.vscht.cz/department/people/19018/24726 and Digital Signal and Image Processing with Applications http://uprt.vscht.cz/prochazka/pedag/ATHENSe.htm.
Members of our department actively participated in the study program.
More information on: http://intranet.cvut.cz/incomers/athens

The Department of Sustainability and Product Ecology, together with the National Museum of Agriculture and the Department of Economics and Management (UCT), participated in the project “MAM do výuky“!
Introduction of modern activating methods in primary school teaching with a focus on the development of pupils' competencies for sustainable development, especially in the area of the social pillar of sustainable development ", which is addressed under the Prague Operational Program - Growth Pole, Challenges SC 4.2 inclusion in a multicultural society, announced by the City of Prague The researcher of the project is the University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague.
People involved in the project: Department of Sustainability and Product Ecology Ing. Jan Pesta, Ing. Anna Hubatova-Vackova, MgA. Jan Kulhanek, Ing. Aleš Paulu and the Department of Economics and Management Mgr. Katerina Tomeskova, Ph.D. and PhDr. Nikolaj Savický, Ph.D.

We are very often subject to fashion trends, says prof. Vladimir Koci. You can find out more in an interview for Deník.